Affiliated Division of the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association LEOS-PBA
Serving Maryland, Virginia & Washington DC

Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) guarantees employees "the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining. We know the law and we will protect your rights guaranteed by Federal law.

What’s the process?
The process is simple! All you have to do is:
To fill out the NUSPO Membership form below.
You and your fellow employees must fill out the online form our interest card , (as prescribed by law).
Once we obtain a 51% or more showing of interest from your fellow officers the NUSPO will file an RC Petition with the NLRB requesting an Election.
The NLRB will then schedule the election within 42 days on your behalf.

If a majority of workers wants to form a union, they can select a union in one of two ways: If at least 30% of workers sign cards or a petition saying they want a union, the NLRB will conduct an election. If a majority of those who vote choose the union, the NLRB will certify the union as your representative for collective bargaining. An election is not the only way a union can become your representative. Your employer may voluntarily recognize a union based on evidence - typically signed union-authorization cards - that a majority of employees want it to represent them. Once a union has been certified or recognized, the employer is required to bargain over your terms and conditions of employment with your union representative.